Raising the Bar2 

Raising the Bar2 began with concern that underserved primary and secondary students deserve the best education practice to unlock the potential lying dormant. Best practice is the ability to demonstrate instructional balance in learning, involve students in high-density reading and writing instruction, provide effective scaffolding for student learning, and teach with high expectations that all students will learn. 

Raising the Bar2 provides dynamic and innovative best practice education and professional services in literacy education, English Language Arts, and education coaching to eligible students attending schools in the Baltimore City and the greater Maryland area.

  • Demonstrate Instructional Balance

    Administrators and teachers can use the  balanced instruction as a best practice to integrate social and personal competencies into instruction. This information, knowledge and tools can be used by professional learning communities focused on social and personal competencies and by administrators to support the skill development of their teachers and students.

    Source: Tennessee.com/Education

  • Effective Scaffolding

    While differentiation and scaffolding do have some similarities, they are not the same thing. Differentiation is matching the level of material or topic to the level of the child. Scaffolding, however, applies to any lesson, regardless of level. It is about breaking learning down into smaller, more “doable” pieces.

    Source: What is Scaffolding and How to Use It, Lori Donald, Ed.D. in School Leadership/Administration

  • Literacy Education

    Educational literacy is the driving factor in all subjects. Whether it is math, history, science, art, or literature, literacy fits into instruction. Educational literacy is more than just being able to read, write, and spell; it is about students being able to interpret, react, articulate, and express their thoughts. 

    Source: https://teacherofsci.com/educational-literacy/