Raising the Bar2 To provide a culturally diverse, inclusive, positive, safe, healthy, nurturing environment in which underserved students have the opportunity to achieve academic excellence, making them productive members of society. 

  • High Standards

    “When a student is consistently held to a higher expectation of learning through rigorous academic standards, it changes the whole experience for everyone involved.” (Dawn Bailey, M.Ed.)

    Source: https://www.educatorsforhighstandards.org/supporting-high-standards-through-high-expectations/

  • High Expectations

    In education, the term high expectations, . . . typically refers to any effort to set the same high educational standards for all students in a class, school, or education system. Students who are expected to learn more or perform better generally do so, while those held to lower expectations usually achieve less.


    Source: https://www.edglossary.org/understanding-standards/

  • High Achievement

    Students assured a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain high-quality teaching and tutoring experience are apt to progress at a pace commensurate with the support provided and the student's effort. 

    Source: Dr. Michael J. Allen